Tiger Destiny Book 4 in the Tiger Curse Series Colleen Houck 9781402798436 Books

Tiger Destiny Book 4 in the Tiger Curse Series Colleen Houck 9781402798436 Books
Let me just start off by saying that I have been obsessed with the Tiger's Curse series ever since I cracked open the first book, and have been a Colleen Houck fan for even longer! I love the simple yet inspiring writing that Colleen uses, and the amazing talent she has with worldbuilding! In all four books, I felt like I was in the actual scene watching things play out before my very eyes. In books 1-3, every time Kelsey, the protagonist, was heartbroken, I felt it too and when she was deep into the adrenaline of battle, my heart was beating so fast that I could actually feel it pounding. That's a sign of a very amazing and experienced author!After the first three heart wrenching, seat gripping, and tear spilling books, I had super super SUPER high expectations for this novel. Every time I read another one of her books, I always feared that I wouldn't like the next one as much because the previous novel was so spectacular. But I've been proved wrong over and over again (until now) because I liked every single novel more than the last, which I didn't even think was possible! Tiger's Curse may very well be my favorite novel, or at least one of my favourites, but it's definitely up there. Sadly, I was not as engrossed in Tiger's Destiny as I was in the previous three novels. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it, but just not as much.
Kelsey, is one of my favorite heroines! In the previous novels, she has always been sweet, loving, pure, courageous, sacrificing, noble, powerful, and cunning! In Tiger's Destiny, she is all of these characteristics in most of the novel, but at other times I felt that she was a little bratty. This is the first time I've ever felt annoyed at Kelsey's character and I don't know if it was just me having a bad day or the way that certain scene was written. Kishan is much like himself in the previous novels. In Tiger's Voyage, it left off with Kishan and Kelsey dating, but even when she was his, Kishan still was jealous around Ren. Of course, his jealousies make sense, because even though Kelsey did love Kishan very much, you'd have to be blind to not see the connection that Ren and Kelsey have. Sometimes I just wished that Kishan would just wake up, move on in his life, and let Kelsey go. Ren, however is as perfect as always! He is the one character in this novel, that has never annoyed me or aggravated me in any way! He's definitely on my top book hotties list, and only second to Daemon from Jennifer Armentrout's best selling novel, Obsidian! Ren is swoonworthy and I almost melted into a puddle when he spoke about his love for Kelsey. He has always been sweet, considerate, and a thoughtful man. Even when Kelsey rejected him many MANY times, he still waited for her. The poems and songs he wrote for her were just the icing on the cake! I think I'm in love. *Swoons*
I have no doubt in my mind that alot of Colleen's fans are going to adore Tiger's Destiny even more than the first three novels. I really wish I did, but I just never got totally engrossed into it like I did with Tiger's Curse. Even though I wasn't head over heals about this novel, the Indian Mythology was still intriguing and I fell in love with the beautiful world that Colleen created. The final conclusion of this series, Tiger's Dream, will be released in 2013!
Heroine- 4.5/5
Romance- 5/5
Action- 5/5
Comedy- 4/5
Overall- 4/5
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Tags : Tiger's Destiny (Book 4 in the Tiger's Curse Series) [Colleen Houck] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div>With three of the goddess Durga's quests behind them, only one prophecy now stands in the way of Kelsey, Ren,Colleen Houck,Tiger's Destiny (Book 4 in the Tiger's Curse Series),Splinter,1402798431,Animals - General,Fantasy - General,Amnesia,Amnesia;Fiction.,Andaman and Nicobar Islands (India),Blessing and cursing,Blessing and cursing;Fiction.,Dating (Social customs),Immortality,India,Orphans,Tiger,Tiger;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fiction,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,Science fiction (Children's Teenage),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Young Adult Fiction Animals General,Young Adult Fiction Fantasy General
Tiger Destiny Book 4 in the Tiger Curse Series Colleen Houck 9781402798436 Books Reviews
No, it did not just end right there.....yep it did. How many days until the book releases six. Well then exactly six days of sheer TORTURE! I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to read this as an arc from the publisher, for my honest review. The arc that we reviews received did not have the last three chapters thus torture until release date time. I loved this story so much that I found myself at B&N at the crack of dawn so I could sit in their hard chairs and read the ending, before I even bought it, I HAD TO KNOW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.
Boy I was not disappointed this book delivered all the way around. The quest for the last artifact is one not to be missed. (Sorry I am going to be very vague in this review so that I do not ruin it for any of you). In my opinion it was the best one. We also learn who Durga really is and what that means..........that was a revelation let me tell you. We learn the fate of our Tigers.........another oh my heck kind of moments. Mrs. Houck had me laughing and on verge of tears a few time in this one. Her writing is just as beautiful in this story as the the others. Kelsey comes to some realizations which was torturous for me too. I felt her pain and frustration for loving them both. Ren and Kishan all I can say is WOW. Kishan is still my favorite. These tigers do some major sacrificing in the name of love. Mrs. Kadam is just amazing in this story as usual.
For those of us who struggled with the strange non Ren and Kishan behavior in book three, well in book four they are back to there beautiful selves.
This is book has become one of my favorites out of the series really well done!
Cover is just gorgeous!
Thank you Sterling Publishing Canadian Manda Group
*May contain spoilers from previous books
In the last book, Kelsey was kidnapped by Lokesh. Kelsey scrambles and tries to distract Lokesh and convince him that she has power, but the power really comes from Durga’s gifts. She doesn’t know how long she can keep up the ruse so Ren and Kishan can save her. Eventually, she is reunited with Nilima and Mr. Kadam. Mr. Kadam and Nilima disappeared suddenly during Lokesh’s attack in the last book, and Mr. Kadam seems somber and changed by something he has seen and acts as if he is hiding something from them all.
Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan will have many perilous adventures in front of them and have to face even more sacrifices as they obtain the Rope of Fire and complete the prophecy. All of them will face more things than they have bargained for. To defeat Lokesh, the trio will have to face him in another time. Will Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan get the endings that the dream for?
Kelsey is still in a relationship with Kishan but that definitely doesn’t stop Ren from making it know he cares about Kelsey and will always be there for her. She wants Kishan to have a happy ending, but still wants Ren in her life because she can’t see herself living without either one.
I have been rooting for Ren ever since I found out who he was. I have always felt the chemistry in Kelsey’s and Ren’s banter, blow-ups, make-ups. I feel like Kishan just needed someone to build him back up and Kelsey took on that role. I still really like Kishan because he is so patient and is in Kelsey’s words, “safe.”
Kelsey has been a lot through her quest to help the brother’s and Kishan provides her the stability she needs while Ren makes her feel unsteady and her life unpredictable. This logic follows most of Kelsey’s turmoil when choosing one brother over the other. Like Kelsey, I want Kishan to be happy. Both of the brothers have been trapped for too long and need someone to complete them.
As other reviews have mentioned, there have been moments of foreshadowing sprinkled not only in this book but throughout the series. I’m the type of reader that feels in the moment and doesn’t really put too much though in what will happen. The ending definitely made sense, but I am torn how I feel about. At times, I feel like a storm has raced through my emotions leaving me raw, but other times I find some peace.
The Tiger series has made my heart soar and crash so many times. The action, the adventure, the romance, the struggle, just everything about this book was moving in some way. This series made a huge impression on me and am sad that I finished. Not many books impact in this way and I felt sad knowing I was finished and that I was no longer a part of the world that Colleen has cleverly crafted.
It’s made me want to get back into my writing. I can’t wait until Reawakened, her Egyptian book, will be out next year. I also need to get my hands on a physical copy of Tiger’s Promise, the prequel to the series, because it has a chapter on Tiger’s Dream, the fifth book in the series. I have no clue what Colleen has in store for that book and I’m anxious to find out.
Let me just start off by saying that I have been obsessed with the Tiger's Curse series ever since I cracked open the first book, and have been a Colleen Houck fan for even longer! I love the simple yet inspiring writing that Colleen uses, and the amazing talent she has with worldbuilding! In all four books, I felt like I was in the actual scene watching things play out before my very eyes. In books 1-3, every time Kelsey, the protagonist, was heartbroken, I felt it too and when she was deep into the adrenaline of battle, my heart was beating so fast that I could actually feel it pounding. That's a sign of a very amazing and experienced author!
After the first three heart wrenching, seat gripping, and tear spilling books, I had super super SUPER high expectations for this novel. Every time I read another one of her books, I always feared that I wouldn't like the next one as much because the previous novel was so spectacular. But I've been proved wrong over and over again (until now) because I liked every single novel more than the last, which I didn't even think was possible! Tiger's Curse may very well be my favorite novel, or at least one of my favourites, but it's definitely up there. Sadly, I was not as engrossed in Tiger's Destiny as I was in the previous three novels. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it, but just not as much.
Kelsey, is one of my favorite heroines! In the previous novels, she has always been sweet, loving, pure, courageous, sacrificing, noble, powerful, and cunning! In Tiger's Destiny, she is all of these characteristics in most of the novel, but at other times I felt that she was a little bratty. This is the first time I've ever felt annoyed at Kelsey's character and I don't know if it was just me having a bad day or the way that certain scene was written. Kishan is much like himself in the previous novels. In Tiger's Voyage, it left off with Kishan and Kelsey dating, but even when she was his, Kishan still was jealous around Ren. Of course, his jealousies make sense, because even though Kelsey did love Kishan very much, you'd have to be blind to not see the connection that Ren and Kelsey have. Sometimes I just wished that Kishan would just wake up, move on in his life, and let Kelsey go. Ren, however is as perfect as always! He is the one character in this novel, that has never annoyed me or aggravated me in any way! He's definitely on my top book hotties list, and only second to Daemon from Jennifer Armentrout's best selling novel, Obsidian! Ren is swoonworthy and I almost melted into a puddle when he spoke about his love for Kelsey. He has always been sweet, considerate, and a thoughtful man. Even when Kelsey rejected him many MANY times, he still waited for her. The poems and songs he wrote for her were just the icing on the cake! I think I'm in love. *Swoons*
I have no doubt in my mind that alot of Colleen's fans are going to adore Tiger's Destiny even more than the first three novels. I really wish I did, but I just never got totally engrossed into it like I did with Tiger's Curse. Even though I wasn't head over heals about this novel, the Indian Mythology was still intriguing and I fell in love with the beautiful world that Colleen created. The final conclusion of this series, Tiger's Dream, will be released in 2013!
Heroine- 4.5/5
Romance- 5/5
Action- 5/5
Comedy- 4/5
Overall- 4/5
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