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Contagious The Contagium Series Book 1 eBook Emily Goodwin

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Download PDF Contagious The Contagium Series Book 1 eBook Emily Goodwin

Contagious The Contagium Series Book 1 eBook Emily Goodwin

I received this book to give an honest review.

This book was an enjoyment to read even though I found myself not really liking the doctor in this one or the way Orissa would act within some scenes.

We meet Orissa who unfortunately meets up with zombies and the crazies just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You see she went in to get a checkup after she had surgery only to find out the world changed so quickly. Herself along with a few others go to find her family and friends and it seems all along the way, they are encounter these zombies and crazies. There is plenty of action within the story as you all know that zombie killing is no easy task. When they end up meeting up with a group of survivors Orissa finds herself on the end of getting to do missions with other teammates especially those that won't shoot their foot off. I think for her this is a good thing as she is very active and can hold her own pretty much. In this compound of survivors each person has a job and her friends end up having their own jobs to do especially the doctor which is a really good thing, because he is set on now helping to find a cure with the other scientist that is there. We see how Orissa seems to find her spot in this new world while fighting the feelings she has for her roommate. Where we leave off has me wondering what other humans are out there or is there something more.
With Orissa I enjoyed how she took charge and didn't back down. That is always great with a heroine in the story especially when they think of others and not for themselves.
Though I have to say the way the doctor acted at times he didn't seem like he was grown. He relied on Orissa way too much at times I felt. I understood that Orissa could kick butt but at the same time he is a grown man he should be able to hand his own doctor or no doctor.
Let's move on to Orissa, this girl just found herself in way too many bad situations that I felt could have been avoided. I understand taking care of others and trying to survive but dang girl you might need to let others take the lead lol.
Overall this was a good book and I plan on reading book two. I want to see where this is going to go. Will Orissa find a romance? Will someone die not by the hands of the zombies? Can there even be a cure? Who knows.

Read Contagious The Contagium Series Book 1 eBook Emily Goodwin

Tags : Contagious (The Contagium Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Emily Goodwin. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Contagious (The Contagium Series Book 1).,ebook,Emily Goodwin,Contagious (The Contagium Series Book 1),Permuted Press,FICTION Horror,FICTION Science Fiction Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic

Contagious The Contagium Series Book 1 eBook Emily Goodwin Reviews

At last a Zombie Apocalypse that at least tries to address the blatantly obvious flaw of the whole Zombie Concept. To wit, the fact that without a supernatural cause corpses don't walk around moaning, grunting and eating people. This story has a semi-rational reason for the zombies' existence--one that works well enough to hang some suspension of disbelief on. I won't reveal what it is, but this is the first zombie apocalypse story I've read where there is an internally consistent logic to the zombies' existence within the real world and to the reasons why head-shots are an instant "re-kill" and shooting the things anywhere else is pointless. Kudos to Emily Goodwin for making the most believable zombies in my experience.

Other than the most believable zombies I've ever read the book keeps to the tropes one would expect from literature of this genre angst over the deaths/zombification of relatives and friends, sexual tension between the heroine and the handsome Doctor turning into a love triangle with the introduction of a hunky Marine Sergeant and the scrabble to survive.
Contagious seems at first glance to be your run of the mill zombie survival story with the addition of romantic attractions (an addition which is actually not even a little rare). Post-apocalyptic romance novels are very easy to find and most of them are terrible, but this book isn’t romance and yet despite that the romance contained is very well done.

I am not a fan of romance, but after reading this book I wondered if my problem is that I am actually not a fan of bad trashy romance. The relationships in this book are so much the central point that they are impossible to ignore, however they are so well done that they blend perfectly with the zombie and survival aspects. For instance, when the main character and her romantic interest start to get a little close and intimate with each other, their carelessness actually bites them nearly every time. They even remark about how it is nearly getting them killed, which is rare. Most stories of a similar nature allow the main characters to daydream and get intimate in a sort of bubble where the rest of the story just sort of sits in a pause state for them, but not this book.

There is also a great deal of more thought put into the zombies than most zombie stories. They decay, it affects their deadliness. As time progresses you see a different type of zombie, winter has a drastic effect on them. . ect. In fact the only complaint I have about this aspect of the story is it brings up one possible zombie defense and then forgets about it entirely despite it being ridiculously effective. The amount of danger of the zombies is one of the biggest problems with the setting, for most of the book you just do not get a sense of any risk, which really puts a different spin on the entire story.

Now back to the romance. In most romance themes in the books I read I find that they tend to find their characters utterly forgo any non-romantic interaction in order to focus entirely on their interest. This isn’t unlike real life where terrible people mistreat or just ignore their friends during the ‘honey moon’ period of a new relationship, but I always hated how romance in books tend to do It in a way that establishes a seeming ghost town of friendlessness or just pretends there are no consequences to this sort of behavior. This book doesn’t do that, rather the main heroine is able to have a very deep meaningful friendship that is absolutely love (though non-romantic) which holds nothing back. There is no moment where the characters go out of their way to establish the bff nature of their friendship, they are unabashedly close and intimate with one another as though the true comfort of their friendship requires no explanation. They are not in any way bi with one another, but the book doesn’t spell that out for you because they are comfortable with each other and you can simply see it in the way they treat the relationship. It’s sadly rare for a book with this much romance to be able to have that sort of same sex friendship without the author feeling threatened by the fear of appearing somehow ‘gay’.

The worst parts of the story is by far the way the main character appears to be treated like she is somehow perfect (despite her claiming otherwise) and how no character seems to profess a taste in women that doesn’t include her. Though that could be just simply chalked up to the fact it’s told from her point of view. While I appreciated that there was an attractive single potential partner she doesn’t take, it still bothers me that no one minds her rustic and occasional trashy ways, at least not until near the end. Also the ending is a cliffhanger which bothers me because I prefer to read books as standalone, even if I mean to read an entire series, but by making this book end the way they did, to find a decent stopping point I would either need to have picked a chapter back to end, or perhaps the first one or two of the next book. This is probably the reason I found this book to be four instead of five stars.
I received this book to give an honest review.

This book was an enjoyment to read even though I found myself not really liking the doctor in this one or the way Orissa would act within some scenes.

We meet Orissa who unfortunately meets up with zombies and the crazies just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You see she went in to get a checkup after she had surgery only to find out the world changed so quickly. Herself along with a few others go to find her family and friends and it seems all along the way, they are encounter these zombies and crazies. There is plenty of action within the story as you all know that zombie killing is no easy task. When they end up meeting up with a group of survivors Orissa finds herself on the end of getting to do missions with other teammates especially those that won't shoot their foot off. I think for her this is a good thing as she is very active and can hold her own pretty much. In this compound of survivors each person has a job and her friends end up having their own jobs to do especially the doctor which is a really good thing, because he is set on now helping to find a cure with the other scientist that is there. We see how Orissa seems to find her spot in this new world while fighting the feelings she has for her roommate. Where we leave off has me wondering what other humans are out there or is there something more.
With Orissa I enjoyed how she took charge and didn't back down. That is always great with a heroine in the story especially when they think of others and not for themselves.
Though I have to say the way the doctor acted at times he didn't seem like he was grown. He relied on Orissa way too much at times I felt. I understood that Orissa could kick butt but at the same time he is a grown man he should be able to hand his own doctor or no doctor.
Let's move on to Orissa, this girl just found herself in way too many bad situations that I felt could have been avoided. I understand taking care of others and trying to survive but dang girl you might need to let others take the lead lol.
Overall this was a good book and I plan on reading book two. I want to see where this is going to go. Will Orissa find a romance? Will someone die not by the hands of the zombies? Can there even be a cure? Who knows.
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