The Disorderly Knights Book Three in the legendary Lymond Chronicles Dorothy Dunnett 9780679777458 Books

The Disorderly Knights Book Three in the legendary Lymond Chronicles Dorothy Dunnett 9780679777458 Books
I can't say enough about Dorothy Dunnett's skill as an author. The character of Francis Crawford of Lymond is lovingly crafted, woven like a tapestry, and Dunnett manages to keep us guessing about his motives and missions. In this book, Lymond emerges from a harsh Mediterranean conflict with both new friends and the most evil of enemies. In each of these books, I go through intense periods of disgust with Francis and for a time I wonder if he is a good man or a brilliant but shallow rake.My only objection thus far is his apparent lack of interest in forming solid relationships (wouldn't have to be romance) with strong women. This may change; I hope it does. The rising action is so intense it is almost painful at times, and I have had to set each book aside and wait for both it and myself to stop smoldering. These books are not for everyone, as they are dense and loaded with allusions and foreign phrases. I find this highly entertaining. Very rarely in my life have I found my intellect adequately challenged by a book, and with the Lymond Chronicles I am sailing along with delight and fascination. Consider me addicted to Francis and his adventures.

Tags : The Disorderly Knights: Book Three in the legendary Lymond Chronicles [Dorothy Dunnett] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This third volume in The Lymond Chronicles</i>, the highly renowned series of historical novels takes place in 1551,Dorothy Dunnett,The Disorderly Knights: Book Three in the legendary Lymond Chronicles,Vintage,0679777458,Historical,Adventure stories,Crawford, Francis (Fictitious character) - Fiction,Historical fiction,Nobility - Fiction,Scotland - History - 16th century - Fiction,Soldiers of fortune - Fiction,Reading Group Guide,Crawford, Francis (Fictitious character),Crawford, Francis (Fictitious character);Fiction.,ENGLISH HISTORICAL FICTION,FICTION Historical General,FICTION Romance Historical Scottish,FICTION Sagas,Fantasy,Fiction,Fiction - Historical,Fiction-Coming of Age,Fiction-Historical,GENERAL,General & Literary Fiction,General Adult,Historical - General,Modern fiction,Nobility,Scotland;History;16th century;Fiction.,Soldiers of fortune,Soldiers of fortune;Fiction.,United States,historical fiction; historical; adventure; romance; medieval; historical romance; tudors; saga; english history; romance novels; fiction; fiction books; romance books; historical fiction books; historical fiction novels; highlander romance; historical romance books; scottish romance; highland romance; england; renaissance; crusades; tudor; middle ages; mystery; vikings; plantagenets; romance books paperback; literary fiction; love; alternate history; novels; historical novels; books fiction; books historical fiction; fantasy,romance books paperback;literary fiction;historical;romance;historical romance;historical fiction books;romance novels;historical fiction novels;love;alternate history;romance books;highland romance;historical fiction;fiction;novels;fiction books;historical novels;highlander romance;books fiction;books historical fiction;scottish romance;historical romance books;medieval;england;fantasy;crusades;middle ages;mystery;adventure;vikings;renaissance;tudors;plantagenets;tudor;english history;saga,Fiction Historical,Historical - General,Fiction - Historical,16th century,Crawford, Francis (Fictitious,Crawford, Francis (Fictitious character),History,Nobility,Scotland,Soldiers of fortune,English Historical Fiction,Fiction,Science Fiction & Fantasy,Fantasy,General & Literary Fiction,Modern fiction
The Disorderly Knights Book Three in the legendary Lymond Chronicles Dorothy Dunnett 9780679777458 Books Reviews
Francis Crawford of Lymond is sent by the French King to the Island of Malta where the Knights Hospitallers are threatened by an invasion from the Turks. While there Francis is caught up in the politics of the Knights, in particular one Graham Malett who the reader will discover is not at all what he and his convent raised sister are what they appear to be on the surface. As Dunnett slowly peels back the layers of her story, the reader is taken from Malta to embattled Tripoli and then back again to Scotland as Francis intrigues to discover Graham's hidden agendas. To say much more would give away the whole plot, but be prepared for some memorable moments that will stick with you for long after the book is finished. The scene with the sheep (LOL), the nail biting suspense in Tripoli as they try to defuse the flame before Tripoli is blown to bits and of course the final climax during the sword fight between Lymond and his greatest enemy.
Throughout, Francis Crawford is a fascinating hero, and is as suave, debonair, flawed and fascinating as only a 16th Century version of James Bond could be. This is a complicated tale, and one that a reader has to pay close attention to, if you let your mind wander you may have to back track occasionally as I did. Dunnett is also very subtle (sometimes too much so!) and you do have to wait until the very end when all is revealed during a heart stopping sword fight in an Edinburgh cathedral, and a big surprise for Francis that will have you scrambling for the next book in the series, Pawn in Frankincense Fourth in the Legendary Lymond Chronicles. Five stars.
Wild this is not my favorite of the six books of the Lymond Chronicles, it is by far the best written of all of them. We follow Francis Crawford of Lymond across the scorching Mediterranean Sea to the island of Malta to witness the collapse of the Hospitalers of the Knights of st. John, whose purpose is to heal the sick and stop the advance of the Muslim religion under the Sultan Suleman the Magnificent. Lymond's other purpose is to recruit a small and talented group of experts in the arts of war. With this group, he hopes to provide stability in Scotland during the minority of Mary, Queen of Scots. In Malta, he meets a knight and priest Gabriel Mallett, who, together with his bewitching sister Joleta, become his nemesis and challenge Lymond for control of the forcre named St. Mary's.
This book is tightly and brilliantly built. You can feel the heat off the Mediterranean Sea and the sands around Tripoli. You are caught up in Lymond's desperate struggle to keep control on the force he has built and trained, a force that could change the stability of any country. I bought this book because my previous edition had fallen apart, which tells you how often I read it. It is magnificen
These books have spoiled me for most other writers, and I've been re-reading them every few years for decades. They're so well-written and plotted and satisfying that other books pale in comparison. They only improve with re-reading, and I discover new things and favorite moments each time. The stories and characters are very complex, and the history so meticulously-researched and accurate that each book is a history education. Most of the main characters are fictional, but the books are set around actual events and characters that come alive so you'll feel you were actually there. As dense as the writing is, there are few if any wasted words, and Dorothy Dunnett can bring a scene to vivid, colorful life in just a sentence or two, so that it becomes an indelible memory.
Many people have trouble getting into the first book, and find the main character difficult to sympathize with, but those who stick with them eventually fall in love with Francis Crawford of Lymond and Dorothy Dunnett's writing, and gain a great history education, a greatly expanded vocabulary in the process. Many people travel the world seeking out the locations of the books and researching the events and characters.
When I was younger, I used to be in such a hurry to finish books that I would give up on a book like this after a couple of hours. However, the stars must have aligned just right for me when I started the first book (back in the late 70s), because I was immediately drawn into the writing and was forced to take my time, savor the writing and get to know the characters and events. I, like many of the Dunnett readers used to read the books with English, French and Latin dictionaries handy, and found anything short of the Oxford English Dictionary wasn't up to the task. I couldn't afford one, so had to write words down and look them up later at a library. I scoured libraries and bookstores regularly to learn more about events, people and places in the books. It's so much easier now with the internet and ereaders with integrated dictionaries. You can look up definitions, and pictures of the people and maps of the locations in the books whenever you want.
Even after the books are finished, there are several enduring mysteries and ambiguities that keep some people reading them over and over looking for nuances and clues, and the main character is still a little inscrutable, even after all these years, which just makes him more realistic and fascinating. My advise to a first-time Dunnett reader is to read the books through for the adventure, humor, emotion and the beauty of the writing, and not get too hung up on understanding every cryptic word the main character says. You're not supposed to understand him completely. The reasons for his actions are a mystery much of the time, to the reader, all the other characters in the books, and sometimes even to himself. Suffice it to say he has a reason for everything he says and does, and most of it will become clear, if not by the end of the book, at least by the end of the series. A few things, however, will remain a mystery, which is one of the reasons many people read the books over and over.
These books are worth the effort, and once you get into the rhythm, it takes no effort at all, except to peel yourself away to go to work or to sleep. Anyone who has finished this first series will tell you, it will change your life and open up a whole new world for you. Then you can start the second series.
I can't say enough about Dorothy Dunnett's skill as an author. The character of Francis Crawford of Lymond is lovingly crafted, woven like a tapestry, and Dunnett manages to keep us guessing about his motives and missions. In this book, Lymond emerges from a harsh Mediterranean conflict with both new friends and the most evil of enemies. In each of these books, I go through intense periods of disgust with Francis and for a time I wonder if he is a good man or a brilliant but shallow rake.
My only objection thus far is his apparent lack of interest in forming solid relationships (wouldn't have to be romance) with strong women. This may change; I hope it does. The rising action is so intense it is almost painful at times, and I have had to set each book aside and wait for both it and myself to stop smoldering. These books are not for everyone, as they are dense and loaded with allusions and foreign phrases. I find this highly entertaining. Very rarely in my life have I found my intellect adequately challenged by a book, and with the Lymond Chronicles I am sailing along with delight and fascination. Consider me addicted to Francis and his adventures.

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