Olivia Twisted Vivi Barnes Books

Olivia Twisted Vivi Barnes Books
The rating of 4 /5 was fair in that the story had dark issues of humanity, love, and limited action. The love was replaced with lust and passion and returned to love which in the teenaged boy's world impossible to reconcile... in real life it is lust, passion, more lust and then love. But with the teenage audience it was rather soft on the lust and passion.The language was at times over the edge with the gratuitous four letter and or eight letter language... but it just isn't my cup of tea but in respect for the author it unrealistic high school language.

Tags : Amazon.com: Olivia Twisted (9781622660285): Vivi Barnes: Books,Vivi Barnes,Olivia Twisted,Entangled: Teen,1622660285,Romance - General,Computer hackers,Computer hackers;Fiction.,Fiction,Foster children,Foster home care;Fiction.,Hackers,Juvenile works,Love,Love stories,Love;Fiction.,Romance fiction,Teenage girls,103702 Entangled Teen Distribution,Children's Teenage fiction: Fantasy & magical realism,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Computers & Digital Media,Family Adoption,Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage),Fiction-Romance,Foster home care,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Law & Crime,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, 1st,Romance - General,Romance fiction,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,Teenage girls,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Computers & Digital Media,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family Orphans & Foster Homes,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Law & Crime,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Contemporary,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult Fiction,Young Adult FictionComputers & Digital Media,Young Adult FictionFamily - Orphans & Foster Homes,Young Adult FictionLaw & Crime,Computers & Digital Media,Family Adoption,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,Law & Crime,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Computers & Digital Media,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family Orphans & Foster Homes,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Law & Crime,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Contemporary,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult FictionComputers & Digital Media,Young Adult FictionFamily - Orphans & Foster Homes,Young Adult FictionLaw & Crime,Young Adult Fiction,Foster home care,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Children's Teenage fiction: Fantasy & magical realism,Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage)
Olivia Twisted Vivi Barnes Books Reviews
This young adult novel has just the right amount of edginess to it to make it fun and interesting for adults who enjoy that genre. It doesn't miss a beat and is seamless. Really creative "twist" on Oliver Twist.
I absolutely loved this story. I was immediately drawn in from the beginning and found it extremely difficult to put down....please tell me a sequel is in the works in the near future!
Really liked the pacing, and character development. Z's inner turmoil was very obvious and well done. Wish I could have gotten some of his side of getting out of the life before showing up at the school.
I read this in one day. Well told, with depth to most of the characters in ways you wouldn't expect. It's impossible not to root for Liv to come out on top, and even bad boy Z isn't pie plate shallow. I enjoyed it very much.
Great twist on an old classic. Pick pockets are now computer hackers! Love it! Vivi Barnes nailed the voice in both characters and manages to keep the tension high. Well crafted!
This book is the best thing I have read in a long time! I was intrigued by the characters and kept wanting to come back to find out how they were doing! I am so glad there is a sequel! Great writing.
Tired of reading unimaginative pap? Take a trip into the exciting and sometimes-chilling world of OLIVIA TWISTED. This is definitely a story with a new twist. You'll be into this novel from word one, and you'll have trouble putting it down until you're savored every last
word. Vivi Barnes gives you the inside track on the shadowy world of computer hackers and what happens when a troubled teen finds herself being twisted into their lair. Join her in this adventure, if you dare!
The rating of 4 /5 was fair in that the story had dark issues of humanity, love, and limited action. The love was replaced with lust and passion and returned to love which in the teenaged boy's world impossible to reconcile... in real life it is lust, passion, more lust and then love. But with the teenage audience it was rather soft on the lust and passion.
The language was at times over the edge with the gratuitous four letter and or eight letter language... but it just isn't my cup of tea but in respect for the author it unrealistic high school language.

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