Vengeful Villains V E Schwab Books

Vengeful Villains V E Schwab Books
This was an uncalled for sequel in all sense of the word for me. It was 480 pages of pure nothing. I like Vicious for what it was, not my favorite but it was alright but this was not good.We got a lot of backstory for characters that just wasn't needed, mainly Eli. We were introduced to new characters who had what could have been promising story arcs but ultimately fell flat, mainly Marcella. Out of all the new characters the only one I felt intrigued about was June. Victor, Sydney, and Mitch all had boring arcs. That is what this book was bland and boring. By the time I reached the climax of the story my entire being wanted this story to be over.
In conclusion this was all around a disappointing read for me.

Tags : Vengeful (Villains) (9780765387523): V. E. Schwab: Books,V. E. Schwab,Vengeful (Villains),Tor Books,0765387522,Fantasy - Contemporary,Novels,Paranormal fiction,Paranormal fiction.,Revenge,Science fiction,Superheroes,Superheroes;Fiction.,110301 Tor Trade-Tor Hardcover,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,FICTION Fantasy Contemporary,FICTION Superheroes,FICTION Superheroes (see also COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS Superheroes),Fantasy,Fantasy Paranormal,Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,FictionFantasy - Paranormal,FictionSuperheroes (See Also Comics & Graphic Novels - Superheroes),GENERAL,General Adult,Monograph Series, any,United States,New York times bestselling authors; superhero book series; contemporary fantasy series; modern fantasy series; fantasy series; urban fantasy series; superheroes books; superhero books; superhero novels; super hero book; super hero books; super heroes; superheros; urban fantasy books; urban fantasy novels; science fiction books; science fiction series; fantasy books for adults; fantasy books; best fantasy books; fantasy fiction; science fiction fantasy; best fantasy novels; modern fantasy; fantasy novels; Goodreads choice award winner; best science fiction 2018; barnes and noble best books of the year; BN best books of the year
Vengeful Villains V E Schwab Books Reviews
Ms. Victoria Schwab has accomplished in creating a compelling sci-fi story where I question my own sense of morality.
Vengeful is the sequel to Vicious — a story of med-students who obtain superpowers and play god as they seek to destroy each other. It is hard talk about Vengeful without spoiling the master piece that is Vicious.
It is hard to describe my feelings and thoughts about Vengeful, while I thought the book was brilliant in prose and plot, it did not feel brilliant. Just like Vicious, Vengeful introduces to us a cast of questionable characters who are neither good or bad (well maybe quite bad) but certainly not evil. That’s the thing about Vicious that I loved, it truly showed that a villain is the hero of his own story. And in Vengeful we explored that same concept.
Victor is back, but not completely, his powers are working against him and he is desperate to find someone to fix him. This desperation is the key motive for many of the characters in Vengeful. Eli’s desperation to be set free. Sydney’s desperation to bring back her sister. Marcela’s desperation to become powerful. June’s desperation to seek revenge but be loved. Stell’s desperation to complete his life’s work.
Desperation leads people to make some morally gray decisions. Ms. Schwab’s masterful writing allows the reader to truly get inside the character’s head and understand the core of their soul and what drives their decision making. It makes you re-think your sense your morality, for these characters didn’t want to cause death nor destruction. They just wanted revenge on the people who hurt them. Which is a very human thing to do something (minus the superpowers).
However, I felt something was missing. There was something about Vicious that truly resonated in me that Vengeful did not, but I still can’t figure out why? I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy Vengeful, I truly did! It was brilliant and Ms. Schwab is a fantastical story-teller. But one could can enjoy a book without being completely obsessed with it?
Like always Ms. Schwab’s writing is precise and sharp just like fresh sharpened steak knife. Her way with words and language is divine. She has the perfect amount of dialogue and prose mixed together to keep the readers engage and falling in love with the prose.
Aside from my personal unknown dissonance, Vengeful is a sequel you must read! Test your sense of morality and root for characters who shouldn’t be cheered on. This actioned packed tale is one that will leave you wanting for more!
I finished Vengeful by V.E. Schwab over the weekend. The first Villains book, Vicious, is a serious fave of mine, and I went into Vengeful with a lot of expectations. I got something very different from the book, and while it wasn't what I thought it'd be...this one sticks with me more.
It's primarily driven by powerful character arcs offered with slow-burn precision. There's a character in this one who is definitely not the good guy, but her POV kept making me nod with understanding. As with the first book, Schwab does a remarkable job of diving into the why of the villains.
So, basically, it's a hyper character-driven novel and deliciously heady.
(Full review on
This book, like Vicious, was wonderfully written. Each chapter, each jump in time, fell in perfect sync with the next. This book kept me awake well into the night, verging on early morning. Vengeful isn’t a page turner; it’s a page eater. I devoured the words like they were the first meal I’d had in weeks. By the end, I felt like I’d eaten a full course meal at a five diamond restaurant.
My complaints are few and far between, and all of them are based on personal preference. I wish there was more backstory with certain characters. I felt like a part of Marcella’s story was too brushed over. And lastly, I felt like this story was a little too obviously staged, especially when compared to Vicious. But these would never deter me from recommending this series. Which I do. So, so much.
So if you enjoy unique stories, amazing storytelling, and characters that will have your mind, heart, and soul in so many knots you wont ever be able to untangle them, then make sure you pick up this series!
Ah, Vengeful. The long-awaited sequel to Vicious. In some ways, I'm satisfied. In others, disappointed. Though it did not blow my mind, it was worth the wait. The last hundred pages or so is where the story really kicks into high gear, but it's over before you know it.
I loved all of the characters (old and new) and Schwab really expands on the concept of EOs in this book. I felt like I was watching a slow-burn Marvel movie the entire time. I did find the frequent time jumps between past and present jarring, and it took a while to settle into the strange rhythm. Also, I'm not a fan of the repetitive writing style. I don't need to know that Syd slowed, stopped, halted. It was annoying, irritating, irksome. The pacing was on the lagging end for my taste, but Schwab really did meticulously work her way up to tying everything together for the grand finale.
This was an uncalled for sequel in all sense of the word for me. It was 480 pages of pure nothing. I like Vicious for what it was, not my favorite but it was alright but this was not good.
We got a lot of backstory for characters that just wasn't needed, mainly Eli. We were introduced to new characters who had what could have been promising story arcs but ultimately fell flat, mainly Marcella. Out of all the new characters the only one I felt intrigued about was June. Victor, Sydney, and Mitch all had boring arcs. That is what this book was bland and boring. By the time I reached the climax of the story my entire being wanted this story to be over.
In conclusion this was all around a disappointing read for me.

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